Then a couple of days before my Papa's death, two struggled, whispered words ignited a stirring in me.
"Still here," is what my Papa said. I believe these were the final words I ever heard from my last living grandparent after I asked how he was doing. He had said these words often the last year of his life. But on this day, November 4, 2015 my brain kicked into high gear and I was excited as thoughts seemed to swirl and connect. His familiar answer had taken on a meaning all its own.
He may have passed two days later, from this life into the next one, but I was still here. This was a personal invitation:
- to love
- to live
- to inspire
- to serve
His last words unexpectedly created in me a longing: to pursue a place where I was free to be me. His words reminded me of the legacy I will one day leave behind and gave me inspiration for a blog that is different from my family's adventures. This is your invitation to join me on a journey of exploration, self-discovery, and anything else we might uncover along the way.
Peace. . .
Enjoy the journey... peace...
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