As today begins our Lenten season, I've spent some time reflecting on what I need to subtract from the soundtrack of our lives to keep our focus solely on our Father. I've started off this year with some fabulous reads--books about savoring slow, being hands-free and more intentional, breaking up with busy, and creating a life giving home. With all these books swirling through my brain, I can't help but know I'm in a season that I need to put down my phone.
So for me, giving up a mindless scroll through social media is going to be hard. Waking up and reaching for my bible before my phone to check email, even harder. I've gotten out of practice. I need to use this Lenten season to renew my mind and refocus my attention on who matters most. It is only through Him that everything else flows. My attention needs a season of solely focusing on him and his place first and foremost at the center of our lives.
We are in a season that my modeling of mindful device usage will speak louder than my words. We are in a season that if we want them (tweens and teen) to keep talking to us, we have to be ready to listen. My eyes need to meet theirs as they tell me their stories. My enthusiasm has to be real not forced because I'm distracted. Life on the other side of the email notifications and text message is not an emergency. It just isn't. Once upon a long time ago, all of this information wasn't readily available at our finger tips. All of this noise wasn't sucking the time away, literally stealing it right from underneath us.
Lent is a season of restoration to prepare for the miracle of the resurrection. I want my own miracle of sorts. I want a different kind of resurrection to fully embrace the real life being lived right before my eyes. It will take restraint. It will take a different kind of sacrifice--not being in the know, being out of touch with the instant updates from family and friends. . .but it will restore my mental white space. It will give me the margins I so desperately need this year.
Lent is so much more than what we're going to give up. It's about what can we add into the tapestry of our life that is going to grow us closer to God. I'm on this continuous path of discovery to deepen that relationship and I feel certain that withdrawing from social media in this season is the right way to go about deepening that bond. What about you?
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