I'm always looking for good books to read, and Anne's recommendations usually do not disappoint. I thought you might be looking too so I wanted to share what I'm thumbing through this week.
I am making my way very slowly through The Fringe Hours, The Life Giving Home, and Hands Free Life. They are the types of books that require deep thought and reflection. They can't be rushed through because there is simply too much to ponder and journal. Reading through them has become one of my favorite parts of my day. I usually read when all is quiet and I have time to take notes, highlight, or journal. These are the books I devour a chapter at a time and then sit. Their words resonate within and land on soft spots of my heart.
This week I have my Mom's group at church so I will read Priority Four of Walking With Purpose. We move one priority per month through this book. I enjoy the pacing. I love the discussion among mamas who have gone before me and those still in the trenches. This Catholic mama lays a foundation of priorities that gently help you to prioritize your own life without being preachy or acting like it is an exact science, which we all can agree it isn't!
Although I finished Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, it is still very much on my mind and I find myself going back and flipping through to see what jumps out at me. This is a read that I believe will be life changing if you are in the throes of raising children. I can not recommend it enough.
As you can see, all of these are non-fiction. While I love learning, I also enjoy reading for the sheer enjoyment it brings; however, nothing has really stood out to me lately. With that in mind, I decided to jump in to The Mother Daughter Book Club I purchased these a year ago Easter, but neither my daughter nor me has dug in. I'm hopeful they will be engaging and it will be a series I want to read through since I do happen to have ALL the books. That means no waiting at the library for books to come in. It's those little things that make me happy. . .so very, very happy!
We are almost through with our read aloud of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. I'm not loving it, but I am curious to see where it ends up. Reading is one of those solo activities that brings me joy. I love being drawn in and engulfed in a good story. I'm about to go browse some of your selections for a good fiction book. I'm hungry for a good read. I feel like it has been awhile!
I have both The Fringe Hours and Hands Free Life sitting on my Kindle, waiting for me. I have a feeling they will take me a bit to read because just from skimming them the content seems so reflection-inducing!
I did the same thing recently, read hands free life, finished it, then started it again because I felt that there was so much more I could get from it by reading it again.
I'll check out some of those other books too, the one about raising grateful kids seems like it could be particularly useful for me at the moment
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